Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Playing together in New York State

The New York State Inclusive Recreation Resource Center at SUNY Cortland is offering a certification program for interested people to become Certified Inclusivity Assessors.  By attending Inclusion U! - an 8 hour training - students can learn to use an assessment tool that provides information to people with disabilities about the physical and programmatic inclusivity of recreation areas in New York State.  I attended the training on September 13th and am now certified to provide information to the website on recreation areas in NYS.  

A great idea - an army of volunteers advocating and educating about access to recreation areas in New York.  Let's play!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I'm halfway through my first week of self-employment (writer and person-centered planning facilitator).  This is the first September in 39 years that I have not been a student or a teacher, so it's unsettling.  I'm continuing to work on my Partners in Policymaking qualification, doing scattered research, and refinishing my new home office, but I have to admit to still feeling the pull of the classroom.  Sure I will get used to it in time.

#1 good thing about working from home:  You get a chance to read the trivia questions and answers from your string cheese at your leisure.  (Today's question: How long is the memory span of a goldfish? Answer: Three seconds.  I immediately thought "Just like high school freshmen!!!!!")